contact us

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1435 North Oak Street
Calistoga, CA 94515

(707) 942-2278

Support CAC - Become a Friend

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Calistoga Art Center is committed to bringing enriching art experiences and opportunities to our local, visiting and artist communities and further enhancing the cultural amenities of the extraordinary Napa Valley. 

Your financial support allows us to continue to bridge financial and cultural gaps and provide creative opportunities for all.

See below for Friends of CAC donation levels. Donate online or print the form at end of page and send along with a check, to:

Calistoga Art Center, PO Box 197, Calistoga, CA 94515

We appreciate your tax deductible contribution. Calistoga Art Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization #68-0551603

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FRIEND: $25-$499


SUPPORTER: $500-$1999


PATRON: $2000-$4999

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Benefactor: $5000+

